Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Of garlic feelers and greens

Super excited just counting up to three, THREE little feelers on one of these garlic piece! Can't wait to see how many more sprouts and how long they grow in a week's time.

It's simple enough and easy to sprout them, too! Keep bottom of cloves damp with water and wait out for a few days. Lets see in the coming weeks if they make it to be potted! Forgive my enthusiasm but at a fresh market, 5 garlic cloves cost $3.69 / RM12. A little steep for garlic. So I'm ecstatic.

Image above: See how it splits to reveal a new bulb peeking through!

Many months later, new bulbs were dug out. I didn't fertilize them, aphids attached the green shoots so I had to harvest them. Pot for scale, hands for scale. I have M-size female hand. Big sigh.

Verdict: Not worth the hassle to plant store bought garlic especially ones from the big retail producers. Many times they are genetically tempered with not to grow to be as good looking or big as the parent. I might try organically sourced from smaller farmer markets, though, if I'm to try garlic again.

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