Tuesday 27 January 2015

The Apartment, the Birthday, the first resolution

The Apartment
- my new crib. Finally the keys to the second-hand apartment is in my hands. I am bursting at the seams with thoughts of DIY projects, setting up home etc. Instead, I am thankful that a tenant is moving in almost immediately. I am thankful that many documentations, fees, and issues are sorted out (or at least in the works of being sorted out). I will move in some day, but until then I hope the tenant(s) will take care of the unit as their own. It beckons to be taken care of and loved! :)
Takeaway: Timing is everything to be at peace. Flow and float with what is laid before me.

The Birthday month
- turned 33 this year, it was a quiet affair at a Korean restaurant. A surprise was sprung amidst faking a falling out of friendships. I have the most melodrama inner circle. They inspire me, they care about me, they are my trust, they provoke at the right instances, and they kiss away the unnecessary stress that clutters my life.
Takeaway: The inner circle friends are the most sacred of friendships. They are the sum of who you are.

The first resolution of the year
- getting my personal affairs sorted out. To which I have created and maintained an expenses file with an excel and a Money Manager app for daily tracking. It isn't the greatest system nor the most efficient. I have to say though, I am mighty impressed that I have such a file now. I am more attune to my major billings in the coming months. This is all still a work in progress.
Takeaway: Take actions to care for yourself more than you would care another, no one else will if you won't.

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