Monday 9 November 2009

Arachno what?

I was a big time arachnophobe. I wouldn't even look at spider pictures, much less even touch anything resembling a spider - even the pictures.

I would
- toss Telekom books (HUGE phone directories of yesteryears, remember?) at the tiny spider hopping on the floor from where i'm standing on tiptoes - a distance of over 2 metres. Splatter it to death.
- twack a spider on the wall with a big fat rolled up paper. Twacked death. The rolled paper was fat as a salami - the bigger the hit area, the harder to miss.
- pour boiling hot water on the spider in the sink. Scaled death.

Then one day I did the silliest gesture. Papa Goh had this collection of encyclopedia called 'Wildlife'. There were 3 (maybe 2) volumes featuring spiders, with a centrespread of a HUUUUUUGEEEEEEEEEE spider looking back at u through those EIGHT beady eyes. All aligned. Yuck. Having been fed up of this unfounded fear i opened the centrespread closed my eyes and stick out my palm at the HUUUUUUUUuuuuggeeee spider. And there i was after 15 years, cured of my silly arachno fear.

Fear will always be around. It never really goes away. Many people think, once they get rid of this fear, then they'll get out of toxic relationships, change jobs etc. But it is all an illusion, isnt it?

We have to find something meaningful that is bigger than the fear. Make that into something that is larger than life to replace this fear. Whatever it is, it acts to replace the fear with faith and trust and hope. I don't think I can make the fear disappear, but I can manage it.

All our heroes had the same fear. Don't think that others are special, better, has smaller fear, lesser fear. Recognise it, accept it and manage it. Then it loses its grip on you. It is about time i learn to manage this new work-related fear.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. - Elbert Hubbard, 1856-1915

So just as a show-and-tell-that-i-no-longer-have-arachnophobia, some arachno-pics:






I am cured. ^_________^

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