Sunday, 9 January 2011

Planting paddy seedlings

I dreamt that i was planting paddy seedlings. I pressed the end of the seedling in to the super soft black ground, humus. Not the water paddy fields. Weird right, i was so sure it was paddy seedlings. Then i progressed to the next and the next and so on. there was a pattern to the small squared area. one big seedling right in the middle, with 3 tinier ones lined up on its left, and its right.

Wonder what the dream says? Though seeds are meant to be a good sign. I quote "To dream of seed, foretells increasing prosperity, though present indications appear unfavorable."

Oh gosh. To be honest, there is something at the back of my mind but i can't mention it here not talk much about it. Only time with the passing of events will allow mentions of it. I hope i can stay sane, calm, cool, collected til then.

Fingers crossed.

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