Saturday, 29 January 2011


I think I am broken. I can't feel much in regards to matters unrelated to
i) work
ii) my immediate family
iii) my studies

There's a numbness in the air for everything else.


gunsirit said...

be strong..

alina neko said...

don't worry~ it's just one of those days~ you'll make it through~ :)

SH said...

thanks gunsirit.

thanks alina... *fingers crossed*

MitsuBishi said...

maybe just need to put new batteries in?

i thought theres be a list of new post for me to read after not checking in 3 weeks but only 2 new posts...

SH said...

@MitsuBishi, i've slowed down a lot... sometimes in my little corner. quiet observations of the world passing by. :)