My super genius smart Singaporean cousin is in town. No pun intended, really. He's really smart, top of his class, health conscious fit!, jolly etc. Medical student.
Anyway he tells me that running in 6 cycles of 30secs spurt, 1min jogs burns FAT. Jogs burn carbs.
I need to do something about my jogs. next week onwards. maybe next month. :)
what about your bad knee?
how about 30 sec frantic swimming then 1 min casual swim and so on hehe :p
I know i know... my bad knee. It is with hesitance that i think of this 30-60 thing... but i so so wanna do it!!!!! Dang bad knee. Dang old age. Dang!
but wat better time than now. i'm not reversing in age - not like benjamin button and rapunzel. or never. at least now i dont need to worry about a heart attack yet right? :)
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