Thursday, 11 November 2010

What's my dream about?

I dreamt i was admiring a glass bowl of beautiful fishes. They were the japanese fighting fish. Perhaps about 10 to 15 o them in the bowl, all swimming peacefully. Some just below the water surface, others by the side of the glass. The middle was empty.

Then out of nowhere, a wrist appeared and stirred the bowl. I was annoyed and said HEY! grabbaed the wrist and pushed it off. But the damage was done because the fishes had already started to flare their fins, tails and gills at each other. it's like they were all about to enter into a fight.

And then i woke up. What's my dream about??


MitsuBishi said...

its about fishes, japanese fighting fish, in a bowl and someone disrupting their peace. lol

maybe you are the fish and some one disrupting u? or you the hand causing trouble?

MitsuBishi said...

After reading this.. i had a dream last night. (not often have dreams)

dreamt i had a motorbike, red one, and lent it to someone n it came back all scratched =(
then this girl came over to try cheer me up, dark skin nt black. n next thing i know we were in a room n there was another 2 girls there (3 in total) then they started kissing n then i woke up ='(

SH said...

What's with you and RED BIKES????